Wednesday, August 31, 2016

More mushroom hunting

There are so many mushrooms to see in our woods. My big people said it's because of all the rain this year. I think I like the rain, it cools things off, sounds good as it hits the house, makes everything fresh again, and makes all these lovely mushrooms grow.

Another white lacy mushroom.

Robin? Robin, come see this patch of orange mushrooms I found...Robin? I have no idea where

I thought this was a rather nasty looking mushroom and almost didn't stop to look at it but decided my mushroom hunting wouldn't be complete unless I took a closer look at all the mushrooms. I couldn't convince Robin to get anywhere near this one, she was afraid it might get her dress dirty. She may have been right, a solid white dress may not survive a trip into the woods. I'm worried about my new dress and its brown.

Such a pretty bright little mushroom. It's a refreshing sight after that last one.

I really liked this little orangeish-yellow mushroom. It was almost as pretty as the lacy white one.

And here, almost hidden under a leaf, was another little pink one.

This one didn't look to pretty either. I wondered if it might be prettier from underneath but it wasn't.

This one was kind of neat though. I imagine it might look like something from the ocean.

And this one...this one, was really neat. I think we could turn it into a snowman with a little coal and a carrot.

I'm beginning to wonder if I will ever stop finding new kinds of mushrooms. There are just so many mushrooms in our woods.

And they are all interesting in their own way.

This one was growing up around the trunk of a little tree...or is that a shrub? I can't really tell.

Finding these super tiny mushrooms is like a special treat because they are so hard to spot.
Robin joined me next to another mushroom that was growing up around a small plant of some sort. We thought that was a good place to rest our legs.
This tiny little mushroom hardly even looks like a mushroom.

This doesn't look like a mushroom either. I'm not even sure it is a mushroom.

Hunting mushrooms makes one tired. I think I'll rest here for a while and hunt again later.

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