Friday, January 12, 2018

The wonderful adventures of Merryweather Anne Farmhouse

It's me, Merry, again. This whole online blog stuff is rather confounding to me, a little wooden doll. I know nothing about computers or blogging. My owner says I am what they call an old soul. If I understand that correctly it means my mind is older than I am. I guess she's right because I feel much older than a few short months.

I hope not to have to use this computer contraption too many times but I just heard my owner say she has finished my book. My pegs are jumping. I will soon have my very own book, written all about me and my many adventures. I can't wait to read it.

I did manage to get my hands on the first little bit of my story and I wanted to share it with you, my wonderful readers.

                                                                    Chapter One

Icy air slapped me in the face at the very moment I had a face. Something wet landed on my middle. Shivers made my whole being shake. A deep fog of nothingness filled my mind. Where was I?

What was I? 

An all encompassing blackness surrounded me. I could not make out anything around me beyond the coldness that gripped me in its claws. I struggled to make sense of this place I found myself in but I could not. All I knew was moisture, cold and a darkness so great nothing penetrated it. How it was that  I knew that I had a face, I did not know. There was just a deep knowing that somewhere on me there was a face. Although, try as I might I could come up with no understanding of what a face was.

And so I lay there, alone, cold, unsure of my surroundings. An occasional bump or thump made my insides jump but I could do nothing beyond strain to hear more which was of no help at all because the only more to be heard was a great howling..

That is the only part of my book that I have yet been able to read. I can't wait to read more about all my adventures. In the pages of my book I travel by covered wagon, experience a blizzard, face Indians, get lost on the prairie and much more.

I am trying very hard to get hold of more of my book but so far my owner is keeping it well hidden from my little wooden hands. If I can find any more loose pages lying about I plan to snatch them up lickety split.

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