Life here at the Pioneer Hitty house is full of fun and adventures (at least that's what Hook says). We are always doing something. I am slowly settling in, making friends with my new family, and have, much to my great relief, discovered I am loved and wanted here.
There has been much to acquaint myself with, not the least of which has been the antics of the boys who are forever up to no good and doing all sorts of tricks and causing mischief wherever they go.
Today turned out to be a great day though. I got my very own Hitty doll. I must admit, I find that idea funny, even though I love my new little doll. You see, I am a Hitty doll. At least that is what I am told. I know nothing of that but the big people that rattle around and sometimes indulge us call me one so I guess that is what I am. And now I have my very own Hitty doll.
As soon as the glue dried on her, I dressed her in a little dress. What a chore. She would not hold still, wiggling and jiggling all over the place. She managed to squirm out of her dress several times before I was able to get her dressed.
Once she was decent, I took her outside to enjoy the nice spring weather. She was just the right size to sit in a little knot on a fern covered log.
I had to just stand and admire her. She is the sweetest little doll I've ever had.
Of course, she's the only little doll I've ever owned.
This little spot looked like a nice little Hitty's doll sized nest. I tucked her into it and she fit perfectly.
There has been a great deal of construction going on around the Pioneer Hitty house lately. There is a wonderful little house being built. Hitty Husband and the boys have been working hard to get it constructed with a small bit of help from the big people.
I hear this house is not to be for us Hitty's but for our little neighbors. Hitty Husband and the boys must get on their knees to do the interior work and keep muttering about short people requesting a house be built when us Hitty's do not even have a home of our own, we are forced to live within the rambling space of our big people with nowhere to call our own.
I don't mind our lack of a home but I am growing rather fond of the little house that is under construction. This little two room section is said to be an addition to a bigger home but I don't think it is. It looks just right for a tiny home.
It is snug and cozy. I love the way the clay walls hold the spring warmth and keep the room at just the right temperature for doll play.
"Look, little bitty Hitty doll, this tiny clothespin is what you were made from. A bit of carving and some paint and you are now my favorite doll." Oops, I looked around quickly to make sure the boys hadn't heard me talk to what they call 'stuffed idiots'.
Whew. No boys in sight. They have, thankfully, made themselves scarce in hopes that they will not be put to work building the neighbors house.