I snuck into my big persons pocket today just as she was about to walk out the door. She was headed to the doctor and to run some errands and I just couldn't bear to be left at home, watching the walls to make sure they don't suddenly change colors or something.
There is just so much to see and do in the out of doors. Like this wonderful park.
It is a rather big park though...I wonder if they make any Hitty sized parks? All the play equipment made my head spin with the heights.
There was a friendly little squirrel that shared some advice on parks and the heights of playground equipment. I shared my cookies with him, which he gladly gobbled all of them up, while we talked. That's okay though because I don't much care for ginger snap cookies. They kind of burn my throat.
I had to ponder the advice the squirrel gave me and figure out if squirrels make good critters to take advice from. For all I know that squirrel could have been planning my demise, thinking of what a good thing I would be for sharpening squirrel teeth...do squirrel's sharpen their teeth? This lovely yellow bench made a good place to think while I watched the squirrel eat the last of my cookies and listened to it chatter at me.
With the squirrel egging me on, calling me a chicken...a chicken, me...no self respecting Hitty will put up with being called a chicken. Bok-bok-bok, called the squirrel in squirrel chatter. I had no choice but to try out the playground equipment. Really I didn't. I had to prove, for all the Hitty's out there, that a Hitty is anything but a chicken. What did that squirrel take me for anyway?
So up, up, up, the bars I went.
It was a lovely view from this far up and the heights weren't nearly as scary as I thought they would be.
There was even a small bar where I could practice doing my flips. I must say I was grateful for my wonderful unmentionables while I did that. There's nothing like unmentionables to keep a girl covered when she's acting...less than lady like.
I know they say unmentionables should never be seen by others but...
They are just too pretty to keep hidden all the time.
I did do a bit of practicing my lady like behavior. Look, Ma, I can stand still and keep my unmentionables covered.
Well, so long as you don't look at what's peeking out from under my dress.
Only being lady like isn't very much fun for a small wooden doll and the bright red slide looked like so much fun that I couldn't resist tossing lady like behavior aside and racing for the slide.
If only Robin had come with me. We could have had so much fun together, playing at the park, but she wanted to stay home and watch the paint change colors on the wall, or something.
Maybe I need a little brother. I hear they enjoy playing at the park.
I am glad she had fun at the park - and what a lovely pink pinafore!
ReplyDeleteThank you. And thank you for the instructions on making the pinafore. We found them on your blog. We intended to make a blog post about the dress, and still plan to, but Tillie wound up trying it on and wearing it before we had a chance to write about it. Tillie has been almost inseparable from that outfit since it was finished.
DeletePioneer Hitty You certainly are not chicken. Hope our Hitty mom remembers that we like the playground too.
ReplyDeleteOh, I do hope you get to go to the playground. It's lots of fun. Maybe remind your mom that you get exercise at thepark and can run off some energy. Moms usually like the sound of that.
lovely photos of your happy very brave girl!
ReplyDeleteSquirrels do sharpen their teeth. Around here they tend to sharpen them on the pipes sticking up through the roof! We have to place squirrel proof covers over them.
ReplyDeleteAnne R
Wow. I didn't know that. I'm glad that squirrel didn't try to sharpen it's teeth on me.